ISLLC Standard 2: Culture
"An education leader promotes the success of every student by advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth."
Principal Shadowing #2 - 6400This principal shadowing took place at an elementary school. The most powerful takeaway from this experience was the opportunity to witness data meetings within a school. These meetings were focused on the RTI program. It was inspiring to witness a diverse team of educational professionals monitoring and creating new educational learning plans for students on an individualized, data-driven basis. These meetings were informed by data, but also included discussions about key information playing a role in the success or failure of interventions that was not a mere number
Data Driven Decision Making: Review - 6300 This text was a detailed, strategic plan for the implementation of data driven decision making teams within an educational organization. The review of this text illustrates my continuing understanding of when data could, and should, be used to positively impact change processes within an educational organization.
DB EXCEL: Professional Development This web-page represents a snap shot of the professional development undertaken at DB EXCEL during the 2014-2015 school year. I was able to serve as the de-facto assistant principal, and benefitted from the opportunity to create, develop, and deliver the majority of the professional development at DB EXCEL.