Diversity Paper - 6200 This examination concerning the role of diversity in education demonstrated the desperate need for an appropriate, honest, and equitable range of focus when facing a complex, multi-dimensional educational system that is constant need of maintenance and intervention
Personal Ethic - 6600 Reflecting on the Ethics of Justice, Care, and Critique provided me with a deeper and more nuanced understanding of what Ethics meant in an educational setting. I interpret the Ethics of Care and Critique as absolutely necessary while attempting to execute an Ethic of Justice in an imperfect world.
Assessment and Grading - 6400 Researching and presenting our findings regarding Assessment and Grading served as a wonderful primer for deeper study and professional development. When a teacher, school, or district does not have a solid handle on assessment and grading practices, and when those practices are not consistently implemented, there can be little integrity or fairness within the educational system