ISLLC Standard 6: Political/Cultural Context
"An education leader promotes the success of every student by understanding, responding to, and influencing the political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context."
Where We Stand - 6200 This overview of the American educational system identifies where international comparisons and the motivations of those highlighting those comparisons can go dreadfully awry. The reflection draws the conclusion that, although international comparisons can be used alongside multiple measures of achievement and growth, there is danger in throwing the baby out with the bathwater when assessing the state of the American education system based on the single measure of international comparison.
Teacher Compensation Task Force I am currently in my third year of serving on the Teacher Compensation Task Force. This group was created as a way to thoughtfully develop new practices and policies regarding the pay structure within the city of Kingsport. This experience, and the decisions made by this task force, have had, and are continuing to have far reaching consequences within the school district
School Board Presentation – 02/20/2014 Presenting to the Kingsport City School Board regarding the conclusions drawn by the Teacher Compensation task force allowed me to experience the pressure and importance of the local educational decision making process. Months of research, learning, and work was condensed into approximately 30-45 minutes. Based on this presentation, the School Board voted to approve the new compensation model for the Kingsport City Schools.